Thursday, January 30, 2014

Around mid-day...

The Village of Ravengro

Kendra has been asked to visit with Councilor Hearthmount in an attempt to seek the support of the town authorities. Many of the common folk in the village seem suspicious of the newcomers, but the hope is to alleviate concerns among the council members and open up further avenues of investigation. Meanwhile, Wilhem will post his correspondence to the Order of the Dragon in Vigil letting them know of the possible dire circumstances in Ravengro.

Valamir heals himself (using inflict light wounds) and accompanies Tatyanza to the Temple of Pharasma. Their purpose is to make another attempt to access the archives and also gain permission to investigate the crypt mentioned in the Professor's journal. Zooglub and Yala remain at Lorrimor Manor to continue their research.

Tatyanza tries to gain the priests' trust while Valamir assists her (Diplomacy check = 16 with assist), but they still not permit access to the records within the temple. When she mentions the hidden cache, the priests are skeptical, but admit that it is possible that a previous hierarchy may have secreted away certain resources in an inconspicuous place. There is no record of such a cache, however. When Tatyanza requests permission to search for it, the priests forbid her (Diplomacy = 15). She and Valamir leave the Temple empty handed.

Kendra has much more luck in speaking with Hearthmount (Diplomacy = 20). The councilman is well-respected in the town and always had a positive opinion of the Professor. Though he offers Kendra his support to broaden their investigations, he warns her to tread carefully. His voice only can carry so much weight in Ravengro -- particularly in light if recent disturbing events. He advises her to gain the other council members support as well before proceeding too far. She meets with Wilhem after he has posted his letter to report her progress. The knight offers to accompany her as she visits with the other members of the town council.

Frustrated, but undeterred, Tatyanza suggests that she and Valamir try the town hall to see if they can get better results. Unfortunately, they meet with the same reaction (Diplomacy = 15). The villagers are clearly nervous about outsiders and have been made even more uncomfortable after the Harrowstone Memorial was desecrated.

Kendra & Wilhem visit Gharen Muricar next as he attended the Professor's funeral and has a good relationship with Kendra. Wilhem lets him know about the possible danger facing Ravengro, but that he and his companions need more information to confront it adequately. Much to Kendra's surprise, Councilman Muricar is polite, but ultimately unsupportive. "The people here are frightened, Kendra... the last thing they need are strangers coming here and stirring things up."

When they visit Mirta Straelock, however, she eagerly gives her full support (Diplomacy = 28 with assist). As a woman born in Ravengro and the most public face of the council, gaining her trust is a major victory. Wilhem gives her his thanks and asks if she can help them access the records within the Temple of Pharasma. Mirta assures him that she will do all she can. "I've lived here all my life, and the people here are good-hearted folk... they just remember stories of times when things were not so peaceful here. But to maintain peace, often one cannot sit and simply hope things stay the same... for they never will."

Afterwards, they visit Shanda Faravan, the last member of the village council. She also strongly commits her support (Diplomacy = 26). She has a sinking feeling that all is not right in Ravengro and that things will get worse before they get better. She is convinced that the bloody letter on Hawkran's statue is not the end of the strange occurrences. She hopes that the Wilhem and the other visitors can solve these problems before they grow out of control.

The companions meet at Lorrimor Manor as suppertime approaches. Tatyanza & Valamir express their disappointment, while Wilhem reports the success he & Kendra had with the council members. Kendra also suggests that the group attempt to research at The Unfurling Scroll, "though it may cost a coin or several." The place is a small academy and has a respectable library. Yala says that she & Zooglub found quite a bit of information on The Whispering Way in the Professor's collection, but they didn't learn anything that the group did not already suspect.

As Kendra begins to prepare that evening's repast, the others gather in the parlor around the Professor's chest to discuss what path to take next. Everyone agrees that they should pool their money and visit the academy on the morrow. Where diplomacy has failed elsewhere in town, perhaps gold would serve better. Zooglub and Yala believe that the false crypt should be investigated, and on this very night. The others vehemently disagree.

Wilhem says, "while that is something we need to pursue at some point, to risk being seen skulking in the Restlands after dark will undo all the progress we've made thus far. We need to gain the priests' trust first. We may find something useful at the academy, and then we must depend on the council members we've won to our cause. Knowledge is still our priority. Though I would feel better prepared to acquire whatever we can find there before returning to the prison."

Kendra prepares a simple but delicious meal, and the companions make final plans for the next day. Valamir & Tatyanza will attempt to gain use of the libraries at The Unfurling Scroll (and will have the coin on hand in case it is needed). Wilhem & Kendra will visit the temple armed with the enthusiastic support they gained from council members Straelock and Faravan. Hopefully, they can gain permission to access the archives and even visit the crypt. While Zooglub is content to continue his studies (it isn't often he has such interesting reading so readily available), Yala is upset with being "swept under the rug." Before any can stop her, she excuses herself graciously from the table, and leaves the house. Before slamming the door, she can be heard to say, "I'm going out for a drink."

Wilhem sighs and rises to follow her. The others volunteer to help, but the knight says, "no, please, sit. Hearthmount asked that we all remain here until further notice. We've already stretched that edict much more than we should have during our investigations. The fewer of us wandering about after nightfall the better."

The knight follows Yala through town with her raven, Storm, visible flapping from rooftop to rooftop high above. The witch enters the local tavern -- cheerily named "The Laughing Demon" -- and she bellies up to the bar. It is not very busy. Since the disturbing events of the other night, most folk are content to stay home at night. But there are a handful of customers, and a small group of musicians playing a flute, fiddle, and mandolin near the fire. All of them give Yala a suspicious look. Used to such reactions, the witch ignores them and asks for a Liquid Ghost -- one of the tavern's specialty drinks. It is a sweet pale ale that seems to glow slightly green. She takes a sip, reaches into her purse, and pulls out a handful of gold coins which she stacks on the counter. She loudly sorts through them with her fingers so they make a pleasant sharp clinking that competes with the musicians. The barkeep (a warm, friendly fellow named Zokar, who was at the funeral) smiles and says, "is there anything else I can help you with, ma'am?"

Wilhem enters just as Yala turns to face the roomful of patrons gathered in the tavern. "Yes, you can help me... perhaps you all can." She briefly glances at Wilhem, but then continues with hardly a pause. "I am new to this town, and I am so interested in the great ruin on the hill to the south of here. Can anyone tell me something about it?"
One of the men seated by the window grumbles and says, "you're a friend of Petros Lorrimor. I saw you carrying his casket. He was interested in that old place, too. Best to leave such things alone, miss. Likely to end up like him."
"Is that a threat?" Yala replies coldly.
Wilhem interrupts, "no, of course not. It is simply a piece of friendly advice, isn't it, mister...?"
"My name ain't your business, sir knight, if you'll beg my pardon," the man snorts. "And neither is the old place up on the hill."
"A monument was defaced with blood not far from here," Yala says, as she turns back to her drink. "Finding who did it might be everyone's business, am I correct? I mean, unless that sort of thing is normal around here." The music stops suddenly. The man stands up from his chair.
"That is enough," Wilhem scolds her.
The barkeep chuckles and tries to calm everyone down, "ha-ha, mi'lady, there is no need for such a fuss. Surely you've heard stories about Harrowstone? It is an old prison that burned down many years ago. As you can certainly understand, tales about such a place can play on a person's mind over time, stir up their imagination. Well, over the years, lots of spooky things have been told about Harrowstone, and I guess the incident at the memorial just has the folk around here a bit nervous. It will pass, as all things do. But these days, most people don't enjoy speaking of things with such a grim reputation. That's all. Now, everyone, enjoy your drinks -- this round is on the house -- and please," he motions to the musicians by the crackling fire, "play on, play on!"

The tension dissipates somewhat, that is until the music starts up again. Suddenly, two large, black, flapping shapes fly out from the hearth and begin to dart about the room. They seem like moths or bats at first, though they are as big as housecats. A insectile buzzing accompanies them. One flies at the man by the window, while the other dives toward Zokar. Wilhem draws his sword and attacks the one nearest him, while Yala tries to protect the barkeep.

The knight thrusts at the buzzing horror and pins it to the wall with the point of his blade. The thing continues to flap about a bit, but soon dies. The other one attaches itself to Zokar like a flying leech, its many clawed legs gripping his flesh with terrible ferocity. The barkeep falls to the ground screaming and tries to swat at the creature. Yala leaps over the bar and then opens her mouth wide as if in a ear-piercing scream, but no sound seems to issue forth. The creature shudders as if in pain, but manages to hang on. It buries a long proboscis into Zokar's neck. As Wilhem races across the room to help, Yala reaches down and yanks the thing off impaled on the point of her dagger. It convulses on the floor for a bit, but is soon still.

The witch treats Zokar's wound, and except for the shock of the ordeal, he seems that he will pull through fine. Yala says that the creatures were stirges. "They sometimes dwell in dark woods or underground. Rarely to they enter civilized areas for feeding. Have you seen those things in town before?" People around the tavern shake their heads, horrified.

When things have calmed down a bit, and Zokar is back on his feet, the two adventurers take their leave (Yala leaves 5 gold coins for all the trouble). They soon return to Lorrimor Manor to report what they have encountered.

DM Notes:

XP = 200 each for Wilhem & Yala.

Wilhem rolls two consecutive natural 20's for Diplomacy. Yala got a 23 on Knowledge (Arcana).

Going directly to the council is beyond the scope of the written module, but since they weren't getting the rolls they needed to move the story forward, I figured the PC's needed to seek out methods to getting more rolls. This presented some excellent role-playing opportunities (and produced some much better rolls).

Friday, January 17, 2014

Wealday, Rova the 6th, 4711 A.R.

Kendra's house, the Village of Ravengro

It is still early morning when Valamir wakes Wilhem who is slumbering in a chair. The knight is given a start when he sees the pale young man standing over him. He stands up and pain shoots through his muscles. When he is able to collect his wits, Wilhem asks, "how do you feel?"
"The same as you, I would guess," Valamir replies. "Like I've been run over by a turnip cart, but alive." He slowly walks over to the endtable and drinks from a cup of water Kendra had placed there for him. "What happened... after..." His voice trails off awkwardly.
Wilhem does his best to stretch out his aching limbs. "You fell -- we know not why -- and then we brought you back here. You rested through the night, but we did not know how to help you. Tatyanza's healing, it... she..." Wilhem stumbles now, not knowing how to adequately express himself.
"I know..."
"You know?" Wilhem repeats. "Can you please help me understand, because there are lots of people in this house -- including the woman we have vowed to protect -- who need some answers."

Valamir slowly sits on the side of his bed. Without looking up, he begins to speak. Wilhem stands nearby, listening intently.

"I was born sixteen years ago at a monastery of Iomedae. I am told my mother died shortly after my birth, and I never knew my father. The paladins at the monastery raised me, cared for me, kept me fed and clothed. But I always thought they treated me... strangely. Though I was but a child, it seemed as though they feared me. As I grew older, I began to notice that I was different from them, though I did not understand why. I could see in the dark and divine healing caused me pain. A few years ago, I became so frustrated with not having any answers, I fled the monastery. I learned how to survive on my own and found I could sometimes get people to do what I wanted. Eventually, I happened to meet a man who noticed my gifts -- that's what he called them -- but he did not seem to fear me because of them. I spent some time with him and we got to know each other."
"The Professor?" asks Wilhem.
"Yes. He told me one day that I was a dhampir... a half-breed born of a human mother and a... a..."
"Something else?" Wilhem offered, trying to ease Valamir's discomfort.
"Yes... something else not alive."
Wilhem's eyes grow wide, though he tries not to react. Valamir tries to continue, his normally pale face growing red.
"When the Professor told me, I... I went mad. At first I wanted to end my life. It's what Iomedae herself would have done. But the Professor taught me that while my father made me, he was not me. I no longer wanted to die, but instead I vowed to root out and destroy the undead wherever I could find them! I left the university where the Professor had been instructing me, and have been hunting the walking dead ever since."
Valamir stands and seems to want to run from the room. But he simply looks the knight in the eyes (with great difficulty), and says, "I am not a monster."
Wilhem breathes deeply and replies, "your birth was not of your making. Who -- or what -- you are will be determined by what you do with your life, not how it came to be."
Valamir manages a smile. The first Wilhem has seen from him.
"What is it?" asks the knight.
"That's just what the Professor told me."
"He was a good man, and he had a profound affect on everyone in this house. We all owe it to him to find out what happened and continue his good work, if we are able. To do that we'll all need to learn to accept each other. Blemishes and all."
"You may be right. But Wilhem... please, don't tell the goblin."
"He needs to know. He cannot hide what he is, and he does not try. I admit, I find it hard to trust him, too. But the Professor found a way. Perhaps we need to, as well."

Suddenly, there is a knock upon the door. Wilhem opens it and Tatyanza is standing there. She seems about to speak, but then she notices Valamir across the room.
"Are you alright?" she asks with genuine concern.
"Yes. Thank you." Valamir walks up to her and says, "I am different than most people, Tatyanza. I have learned how to treat my own wounds, but you cannot use your healing powers on me. I know you only wish to help, but... do this one small thing for me."
She seems confused, but says, "of course."
Wilhem asks her, "is there something you needed, or have you just come to check on our patient?"
She turns to the knight with a very serious look and says, "Kendra's opening the chest."

Valamir nearly knocks her down and races down the steps shouting, "no! We don't know what might be in there!" But he is much too late. When he reaches the base of the stairs, he sees Kendra pulling old, dusty tomes out of the chest and placing them on a table in the parlor.
Zooglub says casually, "well, we do now. And the house is still standing."
Kendra says, "Valamir, I know your concerns, but we need to know more about what my father has been researching. This is the only avenue of investigation left to us."
"And look at this!" says Zooglub while holding up a leather-bound journal. Scrawled on the cover are the words, READ ME NOW!
Kendra takes the journal and says, "this is my father's writing. We're doing the right thing, Valamir."
The pale young man sighs uncomfortably, but stands by as Kendra, Zooglub, and Yala examine the contents of the chest. Kendra begins to flip through the journal, but then finds she cannot.
"Could one of you, please?" she asks.
By this time Wilhem and Tatyanza have made their way down to the parlor. Tatyanza comforts Kendra and Wilhem takes the journal. After a few moments of glancing at it, he says, "there are some entries circled in here. Including the one from the day before he died."
He begins to read while the other tomes are appraised: Manual of the Order of the Palatine Eye, On Verified Madness, Serving Your Hunger, and The Umbral Leaves are among them. Each has been well read and annotated in the margins. Despite their apparent age, they are in good condition.
"This is a treasure!" Zooblub exclaims. "The Professor certainly has been brushing up on certain... shall we say, unpopular subjects. It's no wonder he wanted to keep these safe and out of the view of all but the most trusted -- and educated -- circles."
Kendra becomes emotional, "he devoted his life to using this knowledge for good and protecting the same people who now condemn him!"
"Nobody here condemns him, Kendra," Tatyanza says gently. "We know he was a good man."
"It will take quite some time to go through all of this," says Yala.
"We may not need to go through all of it," Wilhem says from across the room where he has been skimming the circled passages in the journal. "Listen to these entries that the Professor marked in here... the first one is from about ten years ago..."

Zooglub says solemnly, "well, the worst has come to pass, it seems."
Kendra has tears running down her face. "So... my father was murdered."
"We don't know that for sure, Kendra," says Wilhem, "but he certainly felt as though he had something to fear from this Whispering Way."
"Do they have anything to do with The Whispering Tyrant?" asks Valamir, referring to Tar-Baphon, an arch-lich of frightening power who ruled Ustalav long ago.
"Absolutely," replies Zooglub. "They are a cabal of necromancers who have existed for thousands of years. Their organization is older than Tar-Baphon himself."
"Their primary goal is to awaken him, however," offers Tatyanza.
"Yes," continues the goblin, "since The Tyrant's fall they have been occupied with little else."
"My order is dedicated to guarding against his return," says Wilhem. "I must notify my superiors of all we have discovered. They will be very interested in the activities of a cult who seeks pave the way for the return of the lich."
"But what could they have wanted in Harrowstone?" asks Kendra. "My father is dead because of them, and I want to know why they came here!"
"We will find that out, Kendra," replies the knight. "The first step is to access those lists at the Temple of Pharasma. Then we need to try finding the cache in the false crypt the Professor referred to. We'll need all the help we can get."
"Nobody would permit us to look at the records at the temple," says Tatyanza.
"Then we must try again," says Wilhem. "We have an idea of what we're up against now, but we still need more information. We cannot let anything deter us."

DM Notes:

400 xp for researching The Whispering Way. Knowledge (arcana) checks = Zooglub 27, Yala 23, Knowledge (religion) checks = Tatyanza 25, Valamir 19.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

That stormy night...

Kendra's house, the Village of Ravengro

With raindrops pattering against the window panes and thunder rumbling in the distance, Wilhem and Kendra loom over Valamir as he rests. They have done all they can for his burns, but he still will not waken. The others are downstairs in the Professor's library, trying to make sense of the writings that were found along the foundations of Harrowstone.

After hours of work, Yala, Zooglub, and Tatyanza (who aids with putting the Varisian-derived characters in the proper order) are not able to make much sense of the inscriptions. Zooglub -- who is more alert at night -- will not relent, however, and he eventually theorizes that the notes they were able to transcribe are a part of a larger ritual.

"But what does the warden have to do with it?" asks Yala who is trying to stifle a yawn. Tatyanza is already asleep, curled up on a chair.
"It's interesting," replies the goblin, who grows more and more excited, "the Professor himself discussed some of these practices with me not a year ago... he greatly broadened my knowledge of such matters. I cannot be certain -- we may need to return to copy more of the writings -- but I would guess the ritual has to do with protecting something or keeping something contained."
"An abjuration ritual?"
"Ha-hah! You know your stuff, witch!" Zooglub says with a toothy grin. "But there is more. I'd say that these lines here -- provided our slumbering friend's translation was accurate -- has to do with the dead. Who do we think died at Harrowstone?"
"Hawkran... among many others," replies Yala.
"It's the only connection we have," the goblin continues. "Hawkran's name appears in this ritual, and then his statue is desecrated. Perhaps whoever carved the characters around the prison also defaced the memorial."
"It makes sense, but do you also believe that whoever this is, also..." Yala whispers suddenly, "murdered the Professor?"
"Humph! For all we know, the Professor carved the ritual himself!" The goblin scowls and grows angry. "We need to get into that chest! It may have some insight into what he was up to before he died. Something in there may tell us why he might've gone to the prison in the first place."
Yala tries to calm him, "I don't disagree with you, but it's not up to us. We cannot go against Kendra's wishes while we are guests in her home. It's how these civilized folk are."
"Bah! We're wasting our time!" says Zooglub as he throws up his hands. "We don't have enough information to learn anything more! The townsfolk have ostracized us, we're not permitted to access the archives at the town hall, and the only other place with possible answers -- the prison itself -- holds horrors that we can only guess at."
"Lower your voice!" Yala scolds him. Tatyanza stirs where she slumbers and starts to rub her eyes. The witch continues, "we may just need to return there, whether we like it or not. But you're probably right. The contents of the chest may just be the key to all of this. I will speak with Kendra in the morning, but I want you to keep quiet. For now, we all should try to get some sleep." She gently shakes Tatyanza and accompanies her up the steps.
"How can any of you sleep with so many interesting things going on?" Zooglub calls after them.

The goblin continues his research in the library for the rest of the night, while the others try to find some rest. Wilhem maintains his vigil over Valamir, wondering what secrets the mysterious young man is keeping. He does nod off a few times -- despite wearing a full suit of armor -- but does not leave the bedside of his comrade.

DM Notes:

Zooglub rolls a natural 20 on his Knowledge (religion) check.

The players role-played through the discovery of the purpose of the writings (even though they weren't capable of making the necessary Knowledge check to gain that information directly).

Wilhem will be fatigued (cannot run or charge, -2 Str/Dex) from sleeping in his armor.

Monday, January 6, 2014

In the middle of the afternoon...

South of Ravengro, approaching the ruins atop the hill

Wilhem leads the way down the overgrown road leading out of the village and up the slope over which the forlorn edifice of Harrowstone looms. Tittering & excitable Zooglub is right on his heels, while the others -- Tatyanza, Yala, and Valamir -- are shortly behind. Kendra was left behind to explore other avenues of investigation and Sunbolt was returned to the stables. Storm circles overhead as the gray clouds gather.

The knight has his shield -- emblazoned with the golden dragon sigil of his order -- strapped to his arm, but his sword remains in its sheath. Tatyanza holds her quarterstaff, and Valamir loads his crossbow and keeps it at the ready. As the path winds upwards, the huge gatehouse flanks the entrance. The sagging wood and metal gates that once barred ingress now hang negligently open. They creak softly in the breeze. Everything appears abandoned.

Wilhem tells Zooglub and Valamir to have their ranged attacks ready and to stand behind him about ten feet and spread out to his left and right. "If there are enemies here, I will parley with them first. We may be able to gain some valuable information. But if we are attacked, I will draw them to me. You two try to hit them as best you can before they close in."
"And what are we poor, helpless females to do, sir knight?" asks Yala.
"This is no game, Yala," warns Wilhem. "I would prefer you both stay here. Tatyanza's healing will be critical to us if we must fall back, and none of us should be alone. If you must come, you are free folk, and I will not stop you... but stay well behind me."
The witch approaches him, crouches down, and gathers some mud on her fingertips. She rises and makes a mark on Wilhem's forehead. "You protect all of us... and this will help protect you. My kind do not just turn people into toads, you know." (Wilhem is warded - +2 deflection bonus to AC, and +2 resistance bonus to saves, lasts until hit or a save is failed)

The group moves into formation and move closer to the open gates. Through the opening, the group can see the enormous gray prison building past crooked, claw-like trees. A dilapidated house with a sagging roof sits on the prison grounds in the shadow of Harrowstone's walls. Creeping ivy covers almost everything.

As soon as Wilhem puts his gauntleted hand on the swaying gate and pushes his way through, he cries out and stumbles back. Yala tries to catch him, but the armored knight is too heavy and he falls on the ground. His eyes are filled with shock and terror (failed DC 12 Will save, shaken for 2 minutes). He manages to get back to his feet and tries to collect himself. "I felt, I felt -- just for a moment -- like my skin was on fire..." He puts his face into his palm and takes a deep breath. "Lady's Light! It felt so real! I felt trapped, like in a coffin, and I was burning..."
"Well... this place certainly is haunted," says Zooglub.
"Many died here horribly," replies Tatyanza as she comforts the knight. "Are any of you truly surprised?"
"How can we investigate if the spirits here won't allow us to enter?" asks Valamir, who suddenly feels less comforted by his crossbow.
"The Professor was able to come here, as were the folk who found him," says Yala. "Perhaps what happened to Wilhem was an isolated occurrence..." The witch slowly walks towards the gateway and steps through. Once across the threshold, she turns to face the others. "Whatever it was, it is gone. Are you fit to continue, Wilhem?"
He nods and dusts himself off (-2 attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks).
Zooglub adds, "I noticed he touched the gate when he stepped through... perhaps the spiritual residue -- if you will -- is concentrated in the structures of this place. We should be careful what we touch."

The party cautiously continues on, exploring the inner grounds of the prison. The entire western section of the area (to their right) is flooded, though a few bent, weathered gravestones poke up above the edges of the water. A huge section of wall nearby has been completely reduced to rubble. To the left is the old, dilapidated house. Along the outer wall are watchtowers, in equally bad repair. Straight ahead is the gray hulk of the prison itself. The roof appears about to fall in and is blackened here and there from fire. Parts of the wall have fallen in to piles of debris. Valamir mentions how it certainly appears as if the Professor could've been crushed by falling masonry. "The entire place seems ready to fall apart."

Zooglub can see the tower to the east is riddled with holes where dozens of glittering, little eyes watch. "We're not completely alone. Rats. Quite tasty if prepared correctly."

The group moves to the house which is overgrown with gray-green ivy. They briefly explore the fire-gutted interior, but Valamir warns, "it is not safe to be in here. It could collapse on us at any moment. There is nothing here anyway." (Perception = 23) The party quickly departs except for Zooglub. "But this might have been the warden's house. If the Professor was looking for something when he died, it might be in here somewhere." He starts tapping the floor to check for hollow spaces. A moment later, a section of blackened ceiling crashes down, and the goblin is not able to roll out of the way in time. He emerges from the house coughing. He is slightly injured (5/10 hp), but alive. "Well, if whatever-it-is is in there, it's staying in there!" Tatyanza lays a hand gently upon his shoulder and causes a soft, golden light to radiate through him (1/4 1st-level spells used, cure light wounds for 9 hp).

Moving closer to the massive ruin, the group gets a better look at the two-story building that looms over them. Ivy and moss cling to the walls, leering stone gargoyles are perched on the eaves, and the narrow windows in the facade are blocked by rusty iron grillwork. Piles of rubble are strewn across the soggy ground where stone has fallen from the walls. Stone pillars support a balcony over the front doors. The latter hang askew on their hinges permitting a dim view of the chambers within. Valamir again warns of the unsound construction of the entryway (Perception = 26). Wilhem suggests performing a circle around the whole structure before plumbing the inner darkness.

The party begins a slow, counterclockwise circumnavigation of the building, slogging over the muddy, weed-choked ground. Valamir keeps his eyes (and crossbow) raised towards the black windows that gaze down upon them. Zooglub directs his attention downward (since, as he would say, he's down there already). He makes his way around a fallen gargoyle statue and happens to notice something strange around the foundations: a series of sinuous runes carved into the stonework. Some of the lettering is still stained with a dark, reddish-brown substance that has escaped the recent rains.

He points them out to the others, "well, now, here's something... smeared with blood, I'm guessing, though there's not much left, thanks to last night's rain."
Tatyanza approaches and says that the symbols are actually written in Varisian. Not much of it makes much sense to her, except...
"Desna..." she whispers, horrified. "Here... and here... and again right here!"
"What is it?" asks Yala.
"A name is repeated over and over in these carvings... Lyvar Hawkran, the warden!"
"I think this is what we're looking for," says Wilhem.
"Well," says Zooglub while fishing a few things from his bags, "it's all we've found of interest so far. Miss, would it be possible for you to translate all of the carvings for me onto a piece of parchment? Goblin would be best, but Taldane will suffice." He hands Tatyanza a small book opened to a blank page and a quill. He holds a small bottle of ink for her.
She nods and sets to work, "I don't know where to begin."
"Just get it all down," says Zooglub, "we'll figure out how to make sense of it later."

The explorers slowly make their way around the structure as Tatyanza scribbles away with the goblin's aid. The others keep a close eye out for danger. Valamir grows nervous.
"I don't like lingering here so long... it will grow dark soon, and rain is coming."
Yala breathes in deeply and looks to the sky. "Nightfall is still hours away, but you're right that it will rain soon (Knowledge - nature = 27). In an hour, perhaps less."
"I'm going as quickly as I can," says Tatyanza. She finds that the runes stop when she reaches a part of the wall that has crumbled and is partially submerged beneath the pool. Some suggest that she continue transcribing going the clockwise from where she started. Zooglub splashes into the pool and says, "the writings may continue just around the corner. It looks dryer a little further ahead." He peers through the breach in the wall. "The water isn't deep, even for me. Look!"

Suddenly ripples appear out from the edge of the water. Slowly three slime-covered skeletons arise from the depths and stagger towards the adventurers. Wilhem draws his horseman's flail and shouts, "everyone behind me! Use blunt weapons of you can!" Valamir shoulders his crossbow and pulls forth his morning star. Tatyanza & Zooglub put away their writing materials and prepare for battle. Yala places a ward on the knight once again before the undead horrors close.

Two of the skeletons fall shortly after the battle begins -- their dripping bones clattering into a heap into the mud -- but then suddenly the last one standing bursts into flame. Its unearthly screams echo across the grounds. It continues its attack and burns Wilhem and Valamir quite badly. Tatyanza calls upon her divine connection to the mysteries of life and sends waves of golden radiance emanating out of her. The energy rejuvenates Wilhem's strength, but both the skeleton and Valamir fall to the ground after it washes over them.

With the gaunt undead adversaries defeated, Tatyanza runs to Valamir's side to aid him. Yala intercedes, however, and says, "you cannot help him! Didn't you see that it was your healing energy that hurt him?"
"How interesting..." says Zooglub. "It would appear that our self-righteous friend here is one of the undead."
Tatyanza refuses to believe it, but Yala tells her to gather what translations she has gotten so far, and get back to town. She asks Wilhem to carry their comrade's limp body. Soon, the companions are fleeing the prison and trying to get back to Kendra's house before the rain catches them.

DM Notes:

XP = 81 each for defeating skeletons.